Preliminares (PDF)
The Evolution on the Global Economic System over the Last Thirty Years
Chapter I
Security Interests in Bank Deposits Under UCC article 9: a Perspective (PDF)
Geva, Benjamin
La evolución del sistema económico global en los últimos 30 años (PDF)
Lomelí Vanegas, Leonardo
Sandoval López, Ricardo
Class Actions in Canada – The Consumer’s Best Friend? (PDF)
Ziegel, Jacob
The Evolution of the Global Financial System over the Last Thirty Years
Chapter II
Adam Siade, Juan Alberto
The Bank's Fiduciary Duty: the Evolution of the Doctrine over the Last 30 Years (PDF)
Plato-Shinar, Ruth
Online Dispute Resolution —ODR— Building E-Confidence in Europe (PDF)
Barral Viñals, Immaculada
The Proposed Hague Principles on Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts (PDF)
Cohen, Neil B.
Duca, Louis del
Rule, Colin
Loeb, Zbynek
Developments in Commercial Law. Paradoxes and Challenges. A New Era (PDF)
Etcheverry, Raúl Aníbal
Solving Mexico's Financial Problems by Acknowledging its Eco-Environmental Debt (PDF)
García Villanueva, José Fernando
Ideological Movements in Private Law (PDF)
Giger, Hans
Micklitz, Hans W.
Harmonization of Laws and Commercial Procedural Developments in Time of Economic Crisis (PDF)
Mondragón Pedrero, Alberto Fabián
Delivery of the Goods Under the Rotterdam Rules: Departure from the Fundamental Principles (PDF)
Pejovic, Caslav
Schwenzer, Ingeborg
The Australian PPSA and the Conflict of Laws (PDF)
Duggan, Anthony
Reflections on the Three Decades of International Trade and Investment Law —and Beyond (PDF)
Hiscock, Mary
Uniform Law: Efficiency Perspectives (PDF)
Toshiyouki, Kono
Mugasha, Agasha
Reich, Norbert
Micklitz, H. W.
Company Law, Lawyers and Innovation: Common Law vs. Civil Law (PDF)
Reyes, Francisco
Security over Movables in Mexico: Mexico's New Registro Único de Garantías Mobiliarias ("RUG") (PDF)
Sigman, Harry C.
La regulación frente a la inestabilidad financiera (PDF)
Ugarte Chávez, Juan Manuel
Bankruptcy Tourism in Europe and The United States (PDF)
Westbrook, Jay Lawrence